Multi-Asset Shielded Pool
Delegatable Proof Generation

MASP Delegatable Proof Generation


In Webb’s MASP system, delegatable proof generation offloads the computationally intensive proof generation process from the user’s browser to a computationally powerful, semi-trusted prover (which we call a relayer). As we will see, this process is not as trivial as the user sending the relayer its proof inputs, since the proof inputs contain secret data that the relayer can then use to steal the user’s funds.

Technical Details

MASP key structure:

masp light

MASP Record structure:

BlindingHash = Poseidon(blinding)
PartialRecord = Poseidon(DestinationChainId, Pk_X, Pk_Y, BlindingHash)
Record = Poseidon(AssetId, TokenId, Amount, PartialRecord)

Preserving Security

The relayer must not be able to change the contents of the outputRecords. If it could, it would simply change the outputRecords to be under its keys and transfer the user’s funds to itself. To prevent such behavior, we make use of the fact that (sk, ak) is a secret/public keypair with which EdDSA signatures can be made. In particular, we do the following:

  • User signs inputRecords and outputRecords with sk
  • Inside the ZKP, we verify that these Records are correctly signed, by verifying with ak.

This begs the question: can’t the relayer just generate a new (sk, ak) pair and forge the signatuers with altered outputRecords? The answer is NO! Because the inputRecords are bound to ak. That is pk_X and pk_Y are derived inside the circuit from ak so if the relayer changes ak the inputRecords will no longer be valid Record's on the MASP Merkle trees.